Day 5 - Wordwide travel
strenghtening of love is maybe the real purpose and proof’s right
to exist of travelling. From the story of the Biblical parable we can
not know why and what kind of traveller arrived to the rich man, but
it is sure that his (explicit or suspected) appeasement of his supply
needs is the cause of the conflict,
the flagrant injustice towards the poor people. In the parable
between the rich and poor man, the third, the traveller’s arrival
doesn’t cause the strenghtening of love in no wise. The apostle
Paul’s letter to the romans, and apostle Peter’s first letter
both warn the christian community’s very own basic norm: the mutual
love. According to Peter „above all, ceaselessly” we must strive
to love (vö. 1Pet 4,8), according to Paul we don’t owe anybody
else, just with this love. (vö. Rom 13,8). „That
in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together
in one all things in Christ «(vö. Ef 1,9–10; Kol 1,19–20). The
nature it is not available as „a batch of accidentally scattered
debris, instead as God’s benefaction, which point out the order in
him dwelleth; and implicate the people in a commanding guidance with
this for cultivate and retain this nature. (Ter 2,15)” (Pope
Benedict XVI. : Caritas in veritate, 48.)