„And he was unwilling to take from his own flock or his own herd, To prepare for the wayfarer who had come to him;” (2Sam 12,4)
is easy and disguiser to give present to somebody from the other’s
goods, especially if we have or would have enough to give. The rich
man accommodate the guest who arrived to him, dine him, just not from
his own goods. The rich man doesn’t help the guest from his own
asset but from other’s. Doesn’t open his own door, but other’s
butlery. The hospitality, on the east it was a deadly serious duty,
because the traveller can maybe die of hunger and thirst, or wild
animals tear up him, if he doesn’t get accommodation and supply from
thankful people–, everybody practiced it with their own nation. It
was a law. This law was raised one level by Jesus, and extended to
all the people: „Give to him who asks you, and don’t turn away
him who desires to borrow from you.” (Mt 5,42) Apostle Peter writes
that, we didn’t create and bring anything into being, everything
what we get is a gift, everything is a grace: „what do you have
that you didn’t receive??” (1Cor 4,7) The hospitality is the
practice of love, it is a Christian responsibility: share what we
have! According to John the Baptist: „Anyone who has two shirts
should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food
should do the same.” (Lk 3,11). It is usually easy and comfortable
to declaim about the refugee issue. But do we open our own house’s
door, do we undertake supply for one of them for just a few months?
The philosophy of an envious and lazy people is that they rather rot
away the fruit, but it can’t be someone else’s! Do not be sorry
for giving somebody what we have, then we will be happy, because
others joy relate back to us!